Monday, December 31, 2012

Katherine's Reflection on 2012

As the New Year approaches us, we have to reflect on what the past year has brought to us. The good and the bad. For some it could have been the start of a new relationship or the downfall of one, it could also have been the year you graduated college or the year you bought your new house. Overall 2012 was a year of changes.

For myself, 2012 had it's ups and downs but more ups than downs. This year I completed the ultimate goal and it was the year I graduated college and received my bachelors degree in Fashion Merchandising. I was the first of my siblings to graduate college and the antecipation was nerve wrecking, I thought that the day was never going to come. On May 13,2012 I experienced the most rewarding and fufilling feeling of my life as I walked across that stage and received my diploma. I held back the tears knowing that my parents were already crying for me. I will never forget that day.

I also learned who I could truly consider a friend. What people were the most important to me in my life and who feel the same way. I don't need to sit here and name them, they know who they are and I am so grateful for each and everyone one of them. Most importantly I also learned a lot of the person I am becoming. I learned what my strengths and weakness are. What frustrates me and what breaks me down. I also learned to appreciate myself more and to give myself more credit than usual. I learned that I am now worth more than I could ever imagine. Yes I know I am most my own worst critic but I need to learn to give myself a pat on the shoulder one in a while.

Finally 2012 was the beginning of this amazing blog! I am thankful to work with a group of talented young ladies and it's only up from here. Please keep supporting and spreading the word, we still have a lot in store.


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